Course Description

"¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo te llamas?"

Do you need to have a basic vocabulary to communicate in Spanish, express your needs, ask for information and understand and use familiar everyday expressions?
Our Elementary Spanish Program is for you!



View Course Curriculum

This program is intended for Spanish beginners who want to learn the basic vocabulary that will let them understand simple Spanish phrases: personal pronouns, parts of the body, clothes, family members, food, numbers, days of the week, months, animals, professions, means of transportation, qualifying adjectives and the most usual verbs.

Basic vocabulary is presented in seven different languages: English, Français, Português, Deutsch, 官话, 한국어, and 日本語.

It also includes 10 Spanish classes via Skype with a native Spanish teacher (feedback is included), and end-of-course examination (DELE format: Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera), as well as a certificate of completion.

At the end of this Spanish program you'll be able to:

  • Build basic Spanish sentences.
  • Understand and use basic Spanish vocabulary.
  • Introduce yourself and say where you are from.
  • Express how you are and what you do in life.
  • Say what time it is and dates.
  • Make simple descriptions about things, people or situations.
  • Say where the objects are located.
  • Express likes, dislikes and preferences.
  • Express possibility and capacity.
  • Say that you want something.
  • Use negative expressions.

Online Spanish Course

  • 45 self-study lessons (text, audio and video)
  • 1 end-of-course examination (DELE format)
  • Certificate of completion (record of completing the course successfully; this certificate has no official academic recognition)

Live Spanish Classes

  • Up to 3 free demo classes for choosing your personal Spanish teacher
  • 10 online Spanish classes via Skype with a native Spanish teacher (50 minutes each)
  • 10 teacher’s reports with feedback for the student
  • 1 end-of-course report on the proficiency of the student



Spanish To Move

Spanish To Move® is a Spanish learning program designed by experts to ensure effective and long lasting learning. We follow the direct (natural) method of teaching, developed to immerse the learner in Spanish in the same way as the learning of the mother-tongue: in a natural way. Teaching is done in Spanish, grammar is taught intuitively, there is a focus on speaking and listening, and only useful everyday language is taught. This method has been adopted by key international language schools such as Berlitz and Inlingua, and many of the language departments of the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. State Department.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to Spanish To Move!

  • 2

    Table of Contents

    • Elementary Spanish Program Curriculum

  • 3

    Tutor Selection (Spanish Classes)

    • Select your personal tutor

  • 4

    Elementary Spanish Program (Download ZIP)

    • Elementary_Spanish_Program_Lessons

  • 5

    The Spanish Alphabet

    • How to Pronounce the Spanish Alphabet

  • 6

    Vocabulary 01 - Pronombres personales

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 7

    Vocabulary 02 - El cuerpo

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 8

    Vocabulary 03 - La ropa

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 9

    Vocabulary 04 - La familia

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 10

    Vocabulary 05 - La comida

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 11

    Vocabulary 06 - Los números

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 12

    Vocabulary 07 - Los días de la semana

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 13

    Vocabulary 08 - Los meses y las estaciones

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 14

    Vocabulary 09 - Los animales

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 15

    Vocabulary 10 - Las profesiones

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 16

    Vocabulary 11 - Los colores

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 17

    Vocabulary 12 - Medios de transporte

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 18

    Vocabulary 13 - Adjetivos calificativos

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 19

    Vocabulary 14 - Verbos o acciones

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 20

    Lesson 01 - ¡Hola!

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 21

    Lesson 02 - ¿Quién eres?

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 22

    Lesson 03 - ¿Cómo te llamas?

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 23

    Lesson 04 - ¿De dónde eres?

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 24

    Lesson 05 - ¿Cómo estás?

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 25

    Lesson 06 - ¿Hablas español?

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 26

    Lesson 07 - ¿A qué te dedicas?

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 27

    Lesson 08 - ¿Cuántos años tienes?

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 28

    Lesson 09 - ¿Qué hora es?

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 29

    Lesson 10 - Un día soleado

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 30

    Lesson 11 - ¿Cómo es?

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 31

    Lesson 12 - México

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 32

    Lesson 13 - 1+1

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 33

    Lesson 14 - Unos niños felices

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 34

    Lesson 15 - ¿Dónde está?

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 35

    Lesson 16 - ¿Quién es Javier?

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 36

    Lesson 17 - La familia de Fernando

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 37

    Lesson 18 - Los tres amigos

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 38

    Lesson 19 - Mi universidad

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 39

    Lesson 20 - Rocky

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 40

    Lesson 21 - Nos gusta pescar

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 41

    Lesson 22 - Las mascotas de Ana

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 42

    Lesson 23 - ¿Puedo entrar?

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 43

    Lesson 24 - "Quiero comer pollo"

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 44

    Lesson 25 - Una semana muy ocupada

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 45

    Lesson 26 - Disney World

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 46

    Lesson 27 - Las amigas

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 47

    Lesson 28 - Un buen equipo

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 48

    Lesson 29 - Vacaciones en París

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 49

    Lesson 30 - El futbol

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 50

    Lesson 31 - ¡A toda velocidad!

    • Text

    • Audio Lesson

    • Text/Audio Sync Video

  • 51

    End-of-course Examination

    • DELE Exam (Sample)

    • Reading comprehension - Task 1

    • Reading comprehension - Task 2

    • Reading comprehension - Task 3

    • Reading comprehension - Task 4

    • Listening comprehension - Task 1

    • Listening comprehension - Task 2

    • Written expression

    • Oral expression

  • 52

    Certificate of Completion

    • Request your Certificate